Monday, July 19, 2010

DAY 344 Freedom Challenge - Week Two already!

Hi Journal, Friends & Fellow Freedom Challengers!

Today is check in day for the Deb's Freedom Challenge. We made it to the end of Week 2.

Here are the goals I chose, and after each one, how I did this week. I decided try out a 1 to 10 rating scale this time. I think it forces me away from all-or-nothing thinking.  Possible 10 points in each area, for a total of 70 for the week. 

My goals is to be CONSISTENT in these things:

1. STUDY. Consistently do my online Read-The-Bible-In-One-Year  program.

RESULTS: 70 out of 70. Oh, I was such a good little girl... see my halo?  ;-)

2. NUTRITION. I want to be consistent again in not going over my daily calorie budget, even by a little. I got sloppy, and justified a "little here, a little there." No more.

RESULTS: 55 out of 70. Not so good here. Struggled Friday and Saturday. Hopefully, I've learned from it.

3. SLEEP. Getting to bed on time. Not playing around on the computer, or watching old Star Trek reruns on tv. Go. To. Bed!

RESULTS: 56 out of 70. Funny, it "felt" like I had done better. But looking at the whole week written down, I see I only got a full 8 hours sleep on 3 nights.

4. EXERCISE. Consistently follow my pre-set schedule. I KNOW when I must genuinely make adjustments, or when I am making excuses. No more.

RESULTS: 50 out of 70. Again, I thought I had done better. But the chart doesn't lie!

5. WATER. Instead of hit and miss and guessing, I want to consistently drink my minimum 2 quarts per day. I will measure it out in the morning.

RESULTS: 70 out of 70. In spite of the less than stellar tasting tap water! Pretty proud of that one... sheer determination, believe me. ;-)

6. FEELINGS.  I want to know I did my best, and feel proud of myself.  I am not trying for perfection... but for Consistency.

RESULTS: 53 out of 70. Need.More.Consistency.

I'm so glad I tried out this new 1 to 10 rating system for each day. It's been an eye-opener for me. Again this week, how I "felt" I did was not always a match to the chart! It is sooo easy to fool ourselves, so I appreciate the reality check.

I watched a youtube video this morning that was so beautiful, of the song Faithful One. The words that struck me, especially on this challenge to Freedom, were:
"Your love is the anchor, my hope is in you alone."

From Dr Phil's book: "Challenge your faulty thinking."

My verse for today: "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation."

My quote for today: "A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise." --Winnie the Pooh

Enjoy the Journey,



bloojay said...

I'm terrible with that... sometimes I just do things mindlessly and wonder why they don't get done. This is a great idea.

M Pax said...

Good progress. Keep stepping and you'll get to where you want to go. Even small steps lead forward and they add up. :D

Genie @ Diet of 51 said...

I think the rating system is a good idea, and I applaud your score. Mine would be about a "5" out of 70, I'm afraid..... Just getting ready to skulk over there to report....

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful song and such a beautiful video. The words and scenery just sucked me right in--I feel almost like I went on vacation. :) Thanks for sharing that.

As far as the challenge--I think the insights that we gain during this time is what is going to make us able to grab hold of the freedom that is ours. Truth will blow away the fog--and let us see our way--to FREEDOM. :D And joy arises in its wings.



Christine said...

great post...When I did Steve's challenge, it was the setting of goals and the consistent missing of goals that pulled me up by my short hairs. interesting post.

Miz said...

I neeeed and want to be more consistent with my sleep too :)
can you come over and have a chat with my four year old to that end?

happy tuesday :)


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