Showing posts with label Greenies/smoothies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greenies/smoothies. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2011

AUG 18th Blogcation Ups n Downs

Howdy Journal & Friends,

Thought I'd peek in and give a short update. I am thoroughly enjoying my Blogcation! I've had ups and downs, and even some overeating days. Grrrr...

But even that has been an eye-opener, which can be useful. Because I was surprised to find an attitude well up that said "Oh goodie, no one will know, so I can eat whatever I want"! Aarrgh... Yeah, I did some of that. On plan food, for sure, but just way too much of it!!

But... I will never quit. I am still determined to continue with the Carb Conquest Cruise.

I decided to shake things up, and sent for some high quality whey protein powder. Just temporarily, I am experimenting with 2 protein shakes a day, 1 meal and 1 snack. When my supply is gone, I'll continue controlled carbs as normal. 

It's been an embarrassing experiment! Why?? Because it clearly brought out the I WANT TO EAT side of me! The side that pouts and whines when it doesn't get it's way. Wow, such habits we get into, without even realizing it. So, this experiment has been a good thing, forcing me to face myself, and the areas that still need work.

And just for fun, I thought I'd post pics of my first finished project. See... Joey, my dear sweet mischievous 7 1/2 month old Miniature Schnauzer, chewed on my favorite genuine Ugg slippers... Oh Nooooooo!!! I luv me my Ugg slippers. :-( 

(Joey on July 15, 2011)

So... I decided to rescue them. I hand sewed up the gashes with colored thread, then painted a design around the stitching. They turned out cute, and I actually like them better now than before, LOL!

There's a little more to talk about... like I think I need to go back to my roots, and do what I did in the beginning... but I'll save that for another post. For now I'm off to work on more projects.

From Dr Phil's book: "Become the captain of your own behavior."

My verse for today: "Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit."

My quote for today: "Happiness isn't something that depends on our surroundings. It's something we make inside ourselves." --Corrie Ten Boom, survivor of Ravensbrook Concentration Camp during WWII, author of The Hiding Place.

Enjoy the Journey,


DAY 732

Saturday, June 12, 2010

DAY 307 Spring Challenge Week 12 Update

Howdy Journal & Friends,

Time for our Challenge Update!

 Does anyone not know the overall goal of the challenge by now? Well, I'll remind myself, since this was my toughest week since it began:

"The goal of this challenge is to teach yourself to look at your new behaviors positively, to learn to be nicer to yourself and believe in yourself, to learn to enjoy healthy behaviors and learn some moderation. A little balance. It's important. More important to learn than the extremes - too much and deprivation."

Like I said, this was my toughest week... I'm glad to start a fresh Challenge week... only One more to go!

My Spring Challenge goals:

1. Every day for the next 13 weeks, do some kind of Exercise.
2. Every day for the next 13 weeks, drink a Greenie.
3. Check in every Saturday.
4. Tell one thing each week that I like about myself.
5. Save up to buy myself a fun Reward at the end.

My Exercise: 
While I didn't do as much as I had intended, I did do SOMETHING each day.

My Greenies: 
I bombed out badly on this one this week... yay for a fresh week!

One thing I like about myself: 
I like the fact that I try to be dependable... that my word is my bond. I learned that from my parents... no contract should be needed, their handshake was gold. It has to do with integrity. In the past, it's landed me in trouble, because I forget that is not the way most of the world is run... they look for legal loopholes. So I've had to become more careful... but I still want people to be able to count on me.

For my Reward: 
If I have enough saved up by the end of the challenge, I would like to get a "Bamboo Fun Pen & Touch" tablet from Wacom. It is a medium sized drawing tablet you connect to your computer, and is supposed to be Mac compatible. Slick looking, huh?

Do all you Weight Loss Warriors remember we had some prizes?  Those brave souls that stuck this out til the end will get their name included in the drawing. I am making my list (and checking it twice) so be sure to check in this week, even if you had a tough week... like...hmmm... who could that be??! Moi??

Remember, we want progress, not perfection.

From Dr Phil's book: "Without question, it is this focused goal-oriented approach to life that distinguishes winners from losers."

My verse for today: "The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights."

My quote for today: "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." --Walt Disney

Enjoy the Journey,


Saturday, June 5, 2010

DAY 300 Spring Challenge Week 11 Update

Hello Journal & Friends,

Time for our Challenge Update!

Holy cannoli!  I can't believe it's Week 11. Only two more to go. By now, you probably know this part by heart, the overall goal of our Challenge:
"The goal of this challenge is to teach yourself to look at your new behaviors positively, to learn to be nicer to yourself and believe in yourself, to learn to enjoy healthy behaviors and learn some moderation. A little balance. It's important. More important to learn than the extremes - too much and deprivation."

So here is my weekly report.

My Spring Challenge goals:

1. Every day for the next 13 weeks, do some kind of Exercise.
2. Every day for the next 13 weeks, drink a Greenie.
3. Check in every Saturday.
4. Tell one thing each week that I like about myself.
5. Save up to buy myself a fun Reward at the end.

My Exercise: 
Since I quit pushing the walking and started focusing on other exercise, it's been more encouraging. I plan to do a Friday Favorite review of the new exercise DVD's I bought... I've been enjoying them, especially the Chair Boxing and the Chair Yoga (ooohhh, I was so proud of myself to be able to finally say "I've done Yoga", ha ha ha!)

My Greenies: 
Still enjoying them, and finding new combinations... made 5 out of 7 days. I've been having them as part of my dinner. It's very filling and helps to curb nighttime eating urges. But when Jim is off work and here for dinner, that sort of messes with my routine, and I'm not hungry after eating dinner together. So, I've accepted that it's unrealistic to cram one in after eating dinner with my sweetie. I can live with 5 out our 7. 

One thing I like about myself: 
Must we still think of this one?? It's getting harder each week!  Okay, here's one:

I like my medical training, and my ability to read and understand medical terminology. 

It has been so helpful over the years, in doing research and learning. Most doctors don't have time or interest in educating their patients, so we must learn on our own if we want more than "take this pill and see me in 3 months." I'm blessed in that my current family doctor is cautiously open to alternative medicine, as long as I have thoroughly researched it, and can present him with the research data.

For my Reward: 
Still stashing away money in my glass bear jar. Had to hide it up high... Vee, our new kitty found it and decided it was a fantastic toy to attack!

Remember, we want progress, not perfection.

From Dr Phil's book: "Gain emotional closure...refuse to live with unfinished emotional business."

My verse for today: "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer."

My quote for today: "He conquers who endures." --Persius

Enjoy the Journey,


Thursday, March 4, 2010

DAY 207 More Squirrelly Thinking & My 1st Greenie

Hello Journal & Friends,

I finally figured out the REAL reason I've been stalling in trying out the green smoothie drinks that so many have been talking about...

Think of two little kids, sitting on the floor, playing with toys. One reaches for the toy the other is playing with, but the kid with the toy pulls it to his chest and yelps "MINE!". They haven't learned to share yet... they are still immature.

Well, today I realized I have been that way with my calorie budget. I have only so many calories for the day, and I don't WANNA share them with "veggies"!! I want to eat WHAT I want, WHEN I want, and I feel like saying "MINE!" when a veggie threatens to take some of my calories! 

Yep... immature, totally. Squirelly thinking, totally. At least now I realize it, and can work on it.

But yesterday, I did quit procrastinating, avoiding, and stalling... and finally made myself a GREEN SMOOTHIE. And not only did I make one... I actually DRANK it! And survived.

My whole reaction to the green smoothie thing has revealed to me that I still have way too many issues around food. This should be no big deal... yet I acted like someone was trying to get me to take castor oil! And honestly, it was pretty good.

Granted, I made my first Greenie in kind of a wimpy fashion... I sweetened it. I figured I would make it TASTE good, and get used to them, then later work on the nutritional part.

I made mine in my Bullet, that little counter-top mini-blender thingie that I use all the time. Love it!

Here is what my very first ever Greenie had in it, all whizzed up together:

2 big Romaine lettuce leaves
1/3 cup zucchini, diced
2/3 cup frozen raspberries
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 cup Almond Breeze, unsweetened
sweeteners (I used stevia, splenda & xylitol)

It was so good, I would probably have liked it just using water instead of the almond milk. I'll definitely have them often. For such few calories (around 125ish) it was very filling!

I  want to do better on the nutritional aspect of this journey, and I think this will help me in the veggie/fruit department.

Thanks to all of you who wrote about them, giving good reviews. I appreciate these little practical tips we can learn from one another. :-)

From Dr Phil's book: "If you continue to eat the way you've always eaten, you will continue to stay the way you've always been."

My verse for today: "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

My quote for today: "Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." --Doug Larson

Enjoy the Journey,


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