I've been under the weather for a few days, but finally feeling good again. Even exercised today already. During my "down" time, I kept up with only a few blogs, spent less time on the computer, and did some thinking.
The majority of the time I spent online was reading art related stuff. And a funny thing happened... I thought less about food. It's as though my mind is like a newspaper... it can only have one major headline at a time. And if the banner headline reads "This Just In: Art Making A Comeback!" then there is no room on the front page for the "Let's Moan & Groan About Weight Loss" articles. They are relegated to the inside pages as if of lessor importance.
I'm not saying I think getting healthy is not important any longer. It absolutely is.
But... at THIS point in my journey, I've done the research, and have found a way of eating that works for me. I'm happy with it, it's sustainable and healthy. It's low carb, sugar-free, gluten-free, with a bent to real and healthy ingredients (with some exceptions for now). My only thing left in this area where I need work is to stop eating too much of on-plan food.
Stop making excuses. Just do it.
And I know I need to get consistent with exercise. I'm convinced. Don't need any more reading, don't need to yammer on and on about it.
Stop making excuses. Just do it.
I don't need any more new recipe sites to follow. In fact, I've now stopped reading all but a couple of my most favorite. My all time fav is Lisa at 24-7 Low Carb Diner. I am looking to decrease my time on the computer, so something's gotta go. And I won't be reading any blogs that post photos of daily foods eaten. I am NOT criticizing anyone who does that... it's just not for me. I keep saying I want to spend less time thinking about food... and this is one way to help achieve that goal. Now I need to DO it.
Stop making excuses. Just do it.
I might be wrong... I might come back here in a month and have to admit my grand experiment went bust. But I've started reading a book that Deb at Satisfied With Good Things recommended, and it's given me stuff to think about. It's called "Who Switched Off My Brain, Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotions", by Dr Caroline Leaf. I'm only in the second chapter, but so far it's terrific. Yes, familiar ideas to me, but explained in a different way, with lots of references to the research and science behind it all.
So... I've been taking a hard look at what influences my thinking. And that includes the internet. I hope no one is offended that I've cut you from my regular reading list... that is not my intention. But I need to make choices about time, and where I invest it. And I've been shifting my reading to more of my favorite art blogs and forums. I still plan to be around... just not as much. :-)
I'm done making excuses. Now I'm doing it.
My book quote for today: "To make wise decisions let your goals not your emotions guide." --Tommy Newberry, The 4:8 Principle
My verse for today: "The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made."
My quote for today: "Two things happen under pressure: things get crushed... diamonds are formed. Just do it!" --from an old Nike ad
Enjoy the Journey,
DAY 949