Showing posts with label Jimmy Moore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jimmy Moore. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

OCT 11th A Book, A Rant & A Video

Howdy Journal & Friends,

Still poking along here in Oregon. I've been a little frustrated with all the recent controversary in the paleo/primal/lowcarb/diet world. Everyone has an opinion (me included, lol). But too many seem to think what works for THEM should/does/oughta work for EVeryone. So they take pot shots at each other, rather than remember we all have the same goal: to get healthy.

So, I admit to being a little burned out on blog reading. At least, the know-it-all blogs that enjoy promoting themselves and their oh-so-insightful latest revelation/opinion as being such Hot Stuff. 

Gimme a break! NO ONE has ALL the pieces to the puzzle. No one. It's like that old story about a bunch of blind men trying to describe what an elephant looks like... each one describes the part THEY are touching, and forgets that there are many pieces to the puzzle.

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading the book Wheat Belly, by Dr William Davis.  He offers tons of research and draws upon years of his own practice of treating thousands of real-live patients. Yet Dr Davis has the humility to say many times throughout the book that there is still research to be done, and admits that some of the conclusions are speculative. 

Nevertheless... many have jumped on the let's-bash-DrDavis-bandwagon. What is it about human beings that seem to enjoy tearing others down???!!! 

Anyway... eat the meat an' spit out the bones, says I. 

In other words, take what works for you, and leave the rest. Personally, I found Wheat Belly a fascinating read. A little disturbing, to be sure. Add the expose' in it to all the rest of the crap I was told all my life about how I "should" be eating, what I "should" be doing... and I feel pretty duped by the so-called experts. 

So... once again, I am back to saying the same thing: do your own thing. Do what works for YOU. 

You know those folks that annoint themselves as the WeightLossPolice and make drive-by comments on your blog to let you know you are doing it all wrong??? Ha ha ha... just hit delete, and then dump them from your reading list. I did... and I feel sooooo much better!!!!

Hint to those who think it's their job to go around Bloggyland and dish out un-asked for Tough Love: Don't! 

Post whatever you want on your own blog... in fact, let 'er rip! I know for me, I read those and find them inspiring. But... unless someone one has signed up for your tongue lashings and actually ASKED for it, then who do you think you are going around smacking others on their own blogs with uninvited "Tough Love"???!!! You mean well, but it is counter productive to pound people who have NOT ASKED for your thrashing!

Don't you get it??  

It's. Not. Your. Job. to go around 
and dish it out to everyone, 
to those who did NOT ask you 
to become their own personal Jillian. 
Come down off your self-appointed throne!

Ahhhhhh... yes... finally got that off my chest. Whew!...REALLY feel better now.

Okie Dokie, rant over. :-D

Nope... nuthin else going on here. I'm still poking along. I do an informal weigh in each Monday, so know I was down another 2 pounds yesterday. Seems like ditching the last bits of wheat (like from my low carb wraps and crackers, that type of occasional thing) has helped to finally break my stall. I sure hope it continues!! I'm not insisting that's the path for everyone... it's just that for some of us, it could be very helpful. 

I got the Kindle e-book version of Wheat Belly, which was cheaper. Amazon has a free Kindle reader to download, HERE.   

If you enjoy free podcasts, here are some links to Dr Davis interviews that Jimmy Moore compiled. I like to listen to podcasts while I work around the house. 

My favorite book review was done by Dana Carpender, a well known cookbook author and blogger. This is the review Here,  that convinced me to actually READ Wheat Belly! 

Lastly, many many years ago, I ran across a poem called Don't Quit. Well, someone recently made it into a short video. 

LINK TO VIDEO (I couldn't get it to load here).

From Dr Phil's book: "When you are on the right track, there is an enormous energy that uplifts you."

My verse for today: "You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance."

My quote for today: "There is nothing like a blog to help you realize you have nothing new to say." --Penelope Trunk, entrepeneur and blogger 

Enjoy the Journey,


DAY 786

Friday, August 5, 2011

AUG 5th Just Be Yourself

Hello to Journal & Friends,

(taken in April 2011)

Joey is building her vocabulary. She's about 7 months old now, and here is a list of the words she is learning so far (Huh? What does this have to do with weight loss? Gimme a minute and I'll tell you):

Jim (her hero)
Daddy (aka Jim)
go potty
duck (her favorite stuffed toy)
shark (her favorite squeaky toy)
wanna go?
Vevie (her kitty playmate)
Butterfly (the kitty who will NOT play with her)

Oh yeah... and No. ;-)

Some, she knows better than others. And when a Treat is involved, miraculously she gets very smart!! The little twerp certainly has her own preferences. The trick is teaching her that some of these are NOT negotiable. :-)

(these in the yard taken April 2011)

Did you notice that the word FETCH is not on the list?? That's because Joey, who is a Miniature Schnauzer, has told us in no uncertain terms I. Am. Not. A. Retriever. 

Oh, she will race out in ecstasy when Daddy throws a ball, a stick, or a frisbee in the back yard. And she races right by it and races with equal ecstasy right back to Daddy, eager to do it again! 

We've raised a Springer Spaniel and Chesapeake Bay Retriever. They both LOVED to fetch. Joey... nope, nada, nyet. Not for treats, not for praise, not for any amount of teaching, training or coaxing.

It dawned on me recently, after yet another failed attempt to help her "exercise" by playing fetch... that she has made another point very clear to me...


Play to your strengths, 
not your weaknesses. 

Be yourself, the Authentic you. 

Find who YOU really are, 
and nurture that.

In the last few years I've spent a lot of time working to find out the Authentic Me. Who I am, my purpose, my hopes and dreams.

One thing I am still working on is just what Joey reminded me: to play to my strengths. To celebrate who I AM, and not get all caught up in who I am NOT. 

Sure, there are things I need to change or work on... like not procrastinating. Like not feeling sorry for myself, or comparing myself to other people.

But some things are just the way I've been all my life, and guess what? I've decided that maybe it's alright that I don't WANT to change it, and that's okay. For instance:


Always have, probably always will. Over the years I've heard so many so-called "experts" give their opinion on the subject. And I would try to be "good". And would resent it and rebel. 

I tried all kinds of breakfasts... didn't matter. 

I tried to not eat after such and such a time the night before. Didn't matter. 

You name it, I tried it. Didn't matter. 

For years I've felt guilty or wrong or frustrated or annoyed... I finally stopped following like a lemming, and decided to go with my OWN preference: FORGET BREAKFAST!

Oh, I might have a bite or two when I make Jim's 2 meals to take to work... or not. I always have a big mug of flavored coffee with real cream in it. And that is totally satisfying to me till lunch. I am happy with that. I don't resent that. It's working for me.

Then lo and behold, while recently listening to some podcasts from Jimmy Moore at Livin La Vida LowCarb. I learned there is a whole OTHER school of thought that says this whole idea of "three squares a day" is a relatively recent phenomenon. That over the eons, our ancestors didn't eat that way. And that our human body is designed to function quite well with ups and down of daily intake. I'm not talking about someone with a medical condition... I'm just talking about a regular healthy person. Anyway, I didn't need anyone's "permission" to do my own thing. But it did make me smile to find that I'm not the only one!

Right now for a few weeks, I'm eating a protein rich breakfast a la the Dr Kruse program to regain leptin sensitivity. But after that's done... I doubt if I will continue. I won't force it... we'll see. 

Anyway, I've read blogs that say THEIR way is THE way. Such HUBRIS!! Ha ha ha, I recently learned the official definition of that word, and loved it. Describes perfectly the people that feel superior and won't allow for differences: excessive pride or self-confidence, arrogance, egotism, pomposity, superiority, cockiness.

It felt weird to be looking at myself in search of "strengths". At first it was a little embarrassing... sort of like bragging. But we ALL have them. And it's been fun to start discovering them, and nurturing them. 

Joey doesn't do fetch. I don't usually do breakfast. But we both DO have strengths. So there. :-)

(taken June 2011)

From Dr Phil's book: "Never tell yourself beforehand that something is impossible, nor set limits on your efforts."

My verse for today: "Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness."

My quote for today: Two dogs meet and one says to the other: "Hi, my name is NoNoBadDog, what's yours?"

Enjoy the Journey,


DAY 719

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

DAY 17 Way of Eating & Way of Thinking

Good Afternoon Journal,

I have reached the last topic from my "need to be CONSISTENT" list...and that is: and don't forget my Low Carb way of eating.

(okay, that food pic is not low carb, but it was just too hilarious and weird!)

I feel like I have been on a treasure hunt all my life, and LAST, have found the treasure...the last piece to a puzzle. The last few years I have been consciously trying to make real, lasting changes. 

I've worked on my thinking and my emotions...trying to learn ways to handle stress other than using food...learning to exercise (when you start at 460, that's easier said than done, and you can get owies if not careful), learning the importance of support (not hose--people)...and much more.

But even while working on all that, I was still floundering around trying to find a way of eating that was do-able for life, for ME. I didn't want a "diet". That is something you go ON, then later you go OFF of it...and guess what happens then?? The same thing that has happened to me all my life: I regain it all, and then some. 

No, this had to be something that I could do and enjoy in the long run. Even though the mental stuff is of critical importance, I still needed to eat right, for me. I finally found it in a restricted-carbohydrate way of eating.

Since the purpose of my blog is to focus on the things that help keep my head straight, so I don't drift off into stinkin thinkin, I don't plan to repeat all the arguments for or against low carb eating. Anyone interested is welcome to do like I did...I read about 6 books on low carb, listened to a gazillion podcasts from Jimmy Moore's site, researched on several websites, joined a couple of low carb forums and went crosseyed reading archives of information! Oh, and I even got some cookbooks, and learned there are wonderful foods that are just as yummy as all my old favorites that were killing me! I had to be sure, so I did my homework, til I was satisfied.

Bottomline: I like it, it works, it's healthy, and that's all that matters to me.

I believe we are all so different....I have no problem with people doing different ways of eating...I just hope they are permanent ways of life, healthy in the long for life.

In the past, I have tried all kind of plans...including "everything in moderation." Whatever it is in my head, I can't tell you, but for me it doesn't work. For ME, trying to stop at a "little bit" of sugar was like telling an alcoholic to enjoy just a little bit of booze every fed my cravings and eventually led to a binge.

So for ME, I found that getting the sugar (and carbs that turned to sugar fast in the body) out of my system dramatically reduced the cravings. I felt like I finally had a fighting chance at saying no! Now that the physically cravings are handled, it's just a matter of learning to deal with emotions and the stress of life without turning to food...the same ANYONE else using any other plan must learn.

But for ANY plan to work...change must come from the inside. Any plan could work, but any plan can FAIL, too, if the thinking is wrong. Right thinking is a powerful foundation for that necessary change. Obviously, I had work to do in my thought and choice making processes or I would not have gotten up to 460 lbs!

A while back I was talking to my doctor, and said offhandedly "this weight is not a physical problem, is it a MENTAL problem." He looked right back at me, nodded his head and firmly said "Yes!"

So that is why I probably sound a bit redundant...always harping on the mental aspect of this journey...that The Battle Is Won Or Lost Between The Ears.

"I believe that what works in your life works because you make it work. You succeed because you make the right choices, you choose the right attitude, and you enact the right behavior to generate the right results. It is you who must create the life you want. And the choice is yours to make."--Dr Phil McGraw

"Work each day on your thoughts rather than concentrating on your behavior. It is your thinking that creates the feeling that you have and ultimately your actions as well." --Wayne Dyer

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."
-- Norman Vincent Peale

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing....that's why we recommend it daily." --Zig Ziglar

"Whether you think you can...or you think you can't, either way you are right." --Henry Ford

"Don't stuff your face; face your stuff." --author unknown
Couldn't have said it better myself. :-)

From Dr Phil's book: "You cannot be wishy washy."

My verse for today: "As a man thinks, so is he."

My quote for today: "Never make the same mistake twice, or you'll never get around to all of them."

Enjoy the Journey,


Friday, August 14, 2009

DAY 1 Making It Happen!

DAY 1 of ReStart was on Monday Aug 10, 09

Highest wt: 460
LowCarb Start wt: 398
Current ReStart wt: 388
Goal wt: 199

Mental--read motivational/inspirational stuff daily
Physical--LowCarb eating plan, and get off my duff and Exercise
Spiritual--this is a spiritual journey, and He is walking it with me

MOTIVATION: to be who God created me to get my health back, and my life back!

PERSONAL: Age 58, married, 2 Furbabies (kitties), artist, a few medical problems that I refuse to let define's just too dang easy to let physical problems turn into excuses...and I was the Queen of more! A friend of mine once said: Figure out what your biggest excuse is and make a plan to get rid of it. If you don't think you have any excuses, just ask yourself why you are still fat...and catch your first whine....that's it, the biggest excuse, the thing that is getting in your way.

Day 1 thoughts...Hello Journal!
Heard a sermon recently where he said that real Faith produces "expectancy". I now know that I WILL succeed this time. Goof ups along the way? Sure...Course corrections...absolutely. But I WILL reach my goal. How do I know?? Cuz one of the reasons I am starting this journal, besides to encourage ME along the way, is to have a place to point anyone when that day comes if anyone asks me "how did you do it?" In other words, I "expect" it to happen.

I started out with a highest wt of 460...did the Dr Phil plan (loved the book "The Ultimate Weight Solution" for the psychological aspects), and lost around 70 lbs. But for the next 3 or 4 years kept yo-yoing up and down the same exasperating 20 lbs. I just could not sustain the typical low-fat, restricted calorie diet. But thanks to Dr Phil's book, I did manage to keep off the 70 lbs this time...In the past I have lost weight (around 100 lbs three different times) but never kept it fact, regained it back and THEN some. But I still was searching...I needed a nutrition plan that worked for ME.

I have been overweight all my life..tried everything over the years short of surgery (and that's because my insurance wouldn't pay for it)...and then I stumbled upon Low several LowCarb books..was inspired by several people, such as Jimmy Moore, several people from the Active Low Carber support forums....and Sean Anderson, a blogger who started at 505 lbs, and as of 8/5/09 had lost 201 pounds so far. He is NOT low carb, but I admire his accomplishment and committment. For inspiration, check out his blog .

I decided to include 3 things in each post here...this journey is not just a "diet"'s about what’s going on INSIDE…..mental and spiritual. So each time I am including one of my favorite quotes from Dr Phil's book, a favorite Bible verse, and a general quote that caught my interest. These things are short and to the point, and just help keep my head in the right place:

FROM DR PHIL'S BOOK: "Nothing will stop you from being anything other than healthy, vibrant, in shape, and fully in charge of yourself and everything you think, do and feel. THIS WILL HAPPEN BECAUSE YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN because you have made the decision to step up and DO WHAT IT TAKES TO HAVE WHAT YOU WANT." (emphasis mine)

MY VERSE FOR TODAY: "I am the Lord... is anything too hard for me?"

MY QUOTE FOR TODAY: "What would you attempt to achieve if you Believed it was impossible to fail?"

Well, Me, there you have it. You're off an' running….

Enjoy the Journey.... from 460 to 199.


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