Still poking along here in Oregon. I've been a little frustrated with all the recent controversary in the paleo/primal/lowcarb/diet world. Everyone has an opinion (me included, lol). But too many seem to think what works for THEM should/does/oughta work for EVeryone. So they take pot shots at each other, rather than remember we all have the same goal: to get healthy.
So, I admit to being a little burned out on blog reading. At least, the know-it-all blogs that enjoy promoting themselves and their oh-so-insightful latest revelation/opinion as being such Hot Stuff.
Gimme a break! NO ONE has ALL the pieces to the puzzle. No one. It's like that old story about a bunch of blind men trying to describe what an elephant looks like... each one describes the part THEY are touching, and forgets that there are many pieces to the puzzle.
I've thoroughly enjoyed reading the book Wheat Belly, by Dr William Davis. He offers tons of research and draws upon years of his own practice of treating thousands of real-live patients. Yet Dr Davis has the humility to say many times throughout the book that there is still research to be done, and admits that some of the conclusions are speculative.
Nevertheless... many have jumped on the let's-bash-DrDavis-bandwagon. What is it about human beings that seem to enjoy tearing others down???!!!
Anyway... eat the meat an' spit out the bones, says I.
In other words, take what works for you, and leave the rest. Personally, I found Wheat Belly a fascinating read. A little disturbing, to be sure. Add the expose' in it to all the rest of the crap I was told all my life about how I "should" be eating, what I "should" be doing... and I feel pretty duped by the so-called experts.
So... once again, I am back to saying the same thing: do your own thing. Do what works for YOU.
You know those folks that annoint themselves as the WeightLossPolice and make drive-by comments on your blog to let you know you are doing it all wrong??? Ha ha ha... just hit delete, and then dump them from your reading list. I did... and I feel sooooo much better!!!!
Hint to those who think it's their job to go around Bloggyland and dish out un-asked for Tough Love: Don't!
Post whatever you want on your own blog... in fact, let 'er rip! I know for me, I read those and find them inspiring. But... unless someone one has signed up for your tongue lashings and actually ASKED for it, then who do you think you are going around smacking others on their own blogs with uninvited "Tough Love"???!!! You mean well, but it is counter productive to pound people who have NOT ASKED for your thrashing!
Don't you get it??
It's. Not. Your. Job. to go around
and dish it out to everyone,
to those who did NOT ask you
to become their own personal Jillian.
Come down off your self-appointed throne!
Ahhhhhh... yes... finally got that off my chest. Whew!...REALLY feel better now.
Okie Dokie, rant over. :-D
Nope... nuthin else going on here. I'm still poking along. I do an informal weigh in each Monday, so know I was down another 2 pounds yesterday. Seems like ditching the last bits of wheat (like from my low carb wraps and crackers, that type of occasional thing) has helped to finally break my stall. I sure hope it continues!! I'm not insisting that's the path for everyone... it's just that for some of us, it could be very helpful.
I got the Kindle e-book version of Wheat Belly, which was cheaper. Amazon has a free Kindle reader to download, HERE.
If you enjoy free podcasts, here are some links to Dr Davis interviews that Jimmy Moore compiled. I like to listen to podcasts while I work around the house.
My favorite book review was done by Dana Carpender, a well known cookbook author and blogger. This is the review Here, that convinced me to actually READ Wheat Belly!
Lastly, many many years ago, I ran across a poem called Don't Quit. Well, someone recently made it into a short video.
LINK TO VIDEO (I couldn't get it to load here).
From Dr Phil's book: "When you are on the right track, there is an enormous energy that uplifts you."
My verse for today: "You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance."
My quote for today: "There is nothing like a blog to help you realize you have nothing new to say." --Penelope Trunk, entrepeneur and blogger
Enjoy the Journey,
DAY 786