Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

AUG 15th Choc-O-Licious!

Hot diggity dog! I think I've finally found a nice homemade sugar-free chocolate candy recipe!

Why make it myself?? 

Because 1) I can't afford the nice but expensive ones that I used to buy online and 2) The cheaper local store-bought sugar-free brands contain a lot of chemicals, including sweeteners like maltitol, which causes... um... icky tummy disturbances.

I've been playing with recipes on and off for 3 years, determined to make an affordable but nice version. Sorry, I'm not in the all-or-nothing camp who say you can never have sweets or dessert if you want to be healthy. 

This is for life, folks. I'm in it for the duration, so I've converted lots of recipes to low carb/gluten free/sugar free versions. Especially a few old family favorites that are wrapped up in tradition and memories. :-)

But I also refuse to eat sugar, knowing how it affects me, personally. Hence my search for THE perfect chocolate recipe.

Here was my previous attempt; it's taste was nice BUT it was a tad grainy/chalky:

 Eek! See the grainy spoon??
The splenda just refused to dissolve. grrr

I didn't share that recipe for obvious reasons. :-}

And so the search continued... until now. 
And the joke is on me! 
This newest recipe is not even mine!! :-D

Well, it's actually a modified version of one from Linda Genaw. She has been generously sharing low carb, sugar free recipes online for years. Here is her Website, and the original version, Truffle Cups, in case you prefer hers. 

Anyhoo... here is my version, that I'm pretty happy with:

I doubled Linda's recipe, made a couple of ingredient changes, and used a silicone candy mold. It made about 42 little Chocolates (I included some links to sources).

My Chocolates 

8 ounces sugar free semisweet chocolate chips (I used Nevada Manna Sugar Free Chocolate Chips, from Netrition. They cost more, but don't have maltitol. If you can tolerate a little sugar, you can use regular semi-sweet choc chips) 
2 Tablespoons butter
1 Tablespoon cocoa butter (My first cocoa butter was from Amazon;  but Netrition also carries Food grade cocoa butter. Just make sure to get FOOD GRADE cocoa butter, not just moisturizer! It MUST say so.) 
1 Tablespoon coconut oil (I buy 1 gallon tubs locally of Aunt Patty's Organic Coconut Oil; Netrition also carried Nutiva, a nice brand) 

Melt all above together (you can do it in a microwave like Linda suggests in the original recipe. I used a great little chocolate melting pot by Wilton, Here. It's not necessary, just efficient, fun and cute. And it keeps the chocolate at the right temp instead of hardening too fast while filling the molds). 

After melted, stir in the following ingredients til smooth:

4 Tablespoons heavy cream
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract (as per Linda, you can vary the flavor; this was my favorite)

Dip or pour into molds (or paper cups) immediately (I use a long handled mini-ladle from Amazon.  If using the chocolate melting pot, you won't have to rush. I appreciated that, since I doubled her recipe and had more chocolate to get into the molds before it hardened).

Now just put in the fridge til firm. You can keep in fridge or freezer. I've done both, and it's fine both ways.

I added the cocoa butter to my version to make it silky, and the coconut oil to help make it firmer. But they still need to live in the fridge til served, or will melt.

For variation, next time I might try dropping in a nut, or a tiny bit of dried cherry, or?? :-D

I don't have the nutritional data for my version, but you can check out Linda's link above for that; they should be similar, depending on what ingredients you chose.

Bon appetit!

This is my very own well-worn apron!

My book quote for today:  "Do your part now so that God can honor your faith and empower you to live a life of excellence. Think the thoughts you would think if you trusted God's promises completely." --Tommy Newberry, The 4:8 Principle

My verse for today: "Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved."

My quote for today: "All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt." --Charles M Schulz, creator of Peanuts comic strip

Enjoy the Journey with a little chocolate,


DAY 1088

PS: Just so you know, I am not affilitated with any products I recommend here; I just like them, and wanted to share the love, no strings attached. :-)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DEC 7th Playing in the Kitchen, Yet Still On Plan

Hi Journal & Friends,

I'm enjoying putting out the Christmas decorations and seeing the twinkling lights. And yesterday I experienced my very first time EVAH making chocolate candies in cute little molds. Sugar free, of course. You can stop reading here, if you don't want to see food pics... there are days when I don't wanna see any either, so I'll understand. ;-)

To be honest (well, why have a blog if I'm not going to be honest, right?) I don't understand people who have the "martyr mindset", who think that just because they are trying to go from fat to fit and eat all healthified, that they can't eat the really IMPORTANT foods in life... like chocolate! mwa ha ha ha ha. 

Really, there isn't a holiday I can think of that most of the food can't be tweaked in some way, at least enough so that we can participate in traditions we cherish, and still stay on our chosen plans. Lest I forget, I put it in my own sidebar, where it can smack me on the forehead whenever needed: No Excuses! ;-)

Okay, so here's my first chocolate candy batch, still in the mold. That's the oh-so-cool Wilton chocolate melter in the background. I first heard about it from Lisa at Sugar-Free Low Carb Recipes blog. This was my first time trying it out, and I loved it.


And here they are, just pushed out of my nifty silicone mold. I like this mold cuz it has a variety of cute little shapes, and they are small enough to be a very moderate portion.

And finally, here they are all prettified on a plate. The light chunks are chopped macadamia nuts, and the peeking red bits in the center chocolates are freeze dried sugar free cherries that I got from NutsOnline, here.  Mmmmmm...

I'm definitely not a trained cook, and MOST definitely a newbie at making my own chocolate. Most of them didn't have that pretty shiny finish. So, nope, not gonna share a recipe. I kind of tweaked a couple together, and while the taste was very nice, the texture wasn't silky smooth. Was sort of powdery or dry, or something. Gotta work on that. I was going for almost a milk chocolate, and these are most decidedly very dark chocolate!

Jim made his famous Eggnog Cheesecake (also sugar free) for the holidays, and I'm dinking around with little chocolates. And I'm still on plan!! Who'd a thunk it! 

My next Tradition Tweak is to change our habit of getting a Dairy Queen blizzard when we drive around seeing the Christmas lights. I'm going to make our OWN healthy and sugar free blizzard in my handy dandy Vita Mix blender, and take them with us. A cold blizzard drink in the middle of winter... yeah, we're weird. And yes, we sing Christmas carols off key as we drive around and ooh and ahh at the lights.

Anyone doing any fun stuff for the holidays??

Ha ha ha... I just re-read this post, and it sounds like I am into kitchen gadgets. I suppose I am now! I have more gadgets and specialty pans now than I have room for! :-O

That's better than in years past, when I was into cruising through several fast food joints, and bringing some from each joint home to devour all by myself in secrecy. I'd stuff it in until I ached, and hated myself for doing so... then cried myself to sleep, as I vowed never to do it again... only to do it again, and again, and again. I'm SO grateful those days are a thing of the past!! (... ghosts of Christmas past... must have Dickens on the brain...)

So, I'll take innocent kitchen gadgets over that any day of the week! :-D

From Dr Phil's book: "You can't eat what's not there."

My verse for today: "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

My quote for today: "Sometimes it is not good enough to do your best; you have to do what's required." --Winston Churchill

Enjoy the Journey,


PS: Sorry for the messed up font sizes. Blogger is acting stupid today, and no matter what I did, it just won't work right. Oh well... in the grand scheme of things, it's no biggee.

DAY 842

Friday, July 22, 2011

JULY 22 The Product Review & The Hissy Fit

Howdy Journal & Friends,

For my Friday Favorites, I'd like to have some fun with a real, honest to goodness Product Review!! Oh, and a recipe I made up all on very own! I'm not a fancy schmancy cook or anything, but when I got wind of a new natural sweetener, I thought it would be a fun break from all this "serious" weight loss business to dink around with it. :-)

Recently, Lisa at 24/7 Low Carb Diner shared a recipe she created  (now, she IS a good cook!) using this new natural sweetener, called Z Sweet. It's made from stevia and erythritol, neither of which messes with blood sugar levels. Lisa gave a link to a sample. I wrote. I received said sample... yay!!

By the way, Lisa has been posting some wonderful summer recipes, all sugar free and low Orange Mint Iced Tea, Sparkling Lemonade, and Salad Sundae. 

In fact, I liked it so much, I bought MORE Z Sweet for myself, from Netrition (they have a great low carb section, and usually the best prices on the interwebs).  

First the low down on Z Sweet (Disclaimer: they sent me some samples for free, but this is MY honest opinion):

  •  I liked it! Straight erythritol has a sort of cooling effect in the mouth, kinda like mint. I don't like mint.  But combined with the stevia, Z Sweet didn't affect me that way. Thumbs up.
  •  It dissolved just fine in my batter. I used the granular, and it wasn't gritty or anything like that.
  •  It's not cheap, but since I don't eat a LOT of baked desserts anymore, that's not a problem. I spend less NOW than I did before when buying junk food. And Netrition has good prices. Don't know if you can find it locally or not. I didn't try.
  •  They offer Z Sweet in bulk granular, in little travel packets, and powdered. I really LIKE having the powdered... I have several recipes where that's the best version.
  •  You can use it just like sugar, measure for measure, so no annoying converting. And we all know Loretta doesn't like to be "annoyed". Okay, that's an inside joke... you have read my last post to get it...sorry 'bout dat.
  •  Did I mention zero calories, zero glycemic effect, and it doesn't promote tooth decay like sugar does?? Yep. All true. Oh, and for us low carbers... the package says less than 4 grams carbs per 1 teaspoon. But remember, erythritol isn't metabolized in our system like other sugar alcohols. AND... at least for me, doesn't have those dreaded rooty tooty gastrointestinal side-effects like maltitol and sorbitol does. :-D

Bottomline: Good stuff in my opinion. I'll be buying it again. :-)

And of course, I drafted MyGuy as the guinea, make that Test Pilot, to taste my creation, LoCarb HiProtein Pancakes. First, I'll show you the photos... gotta have photos, right? 

The verdict: MyGuy liked it!! 
It is now officially Husband Tested.

Okay, the recipe for Rettakat's LoCarb HiProtein Pancakes was SUPPOSED to be given here. Uh huh... remember that famous novel that refers to the "best laid plans of mice and men"?? 

I spent over 2 HOURS searching all over for my recipe!! Gone. Disappeared. Poof! I was sooo frustrated, I was tempted to throw a hissy fit!!! 

But, today I sound all mature and calm, ha ha ha... can't change it. I worked hard to perfect my little pancakes, and am soooo annoyed that if I want the recipe, I have to do it all over again. Well, sorry, not in the mood! 

So if anyone out there wants to get creative... I DO remember it had: eggs, ricotta cheese, whey protein powder, almond flour, oat bran, baking powder, sugar free daVinci syrup, chia seeds, the Z Sweet... and I used coconut oil in the pan. :-}

This must be proof I am NOT destined to be a fancy schmancy cook. Better go visit Lisa for that. :-) 

From Dr Phil's book: "Your food plan sustains your commitment in the absence of emotional energy."

My verse for today: "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."

My quote for today: "Life is short and there will always be dirty dishes, so let's dance."  --James Howe

Enjoy the Journey and avoid hissy fits,


DAY 705

Friday, June 25, 2010

DAY 320 Dentists, Deciding & Cookies

Hello Journal & Friends,

Yesterday I went to the dentist. Oh joy. But I hadn't been there in about 7 months, and it WAS fun when she told me that she noticed right away that I was losing weight. :-D

Naturally, she asked what I was doing... and I just said that basically I stopped eating sugar and flour, and left it at that. 

I mean really... how do you make a sound-bite answer that would include the fact that it's not a diet, that you must change your whole way of thinking? That this is a spiritual, mental, emotional AND physical journey?? My dentist is a tiny thing, so I didn't bother.

But then I found it funny that after I said that I stopped eating sugar and flour, she look horrified, and with big round eyes asked "but how do you do THAT??" I laughed, and answered... "You decide."

And the more I thought of my simplistic answer, the more I realized that, while I was just being flippant in the moment, it really IS true. For whatever method each of us chooses, that really IS the key. There is no magic fairy dust... no secret formula. 

We must each reach that point where what we WANT to be means more to us than what we have been settling for... and DECIDE to change.

She went on to ask how on earth you can live without eating stuff like bread and cookies and such. I didn't go much into the answer, other than to say there are all kinds of things to use as substitutes.

Some people do just fine eating any and everything in moderation. For others there are reasons, sometimes medical, that they are healthier without eating certain things. For me, it's sugar/flour stuff.

So today, for Friday Favorites, I decided to share my MOST EXCELLENT recipe for sugar-free, flour-free Peanut Butter Cookies.

 I didn't invent it... just adapted it from one floating around the interwebs. Feel free to change out ingredients if you don't have one, or just want a different taste.

Rettakat's Most Excellent PB Cookie

1 cup peanut butter (I use Adams natural pb, the kind with no sugar)
2/3 cup sweetener of your choice (I use 1/3 cup splenda, 1/3 cup xylitol, and 1/16 teaspoon white stevia powder)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg

1 tablespoon Chia seeds  (they are so good for you, and I look for ways to use them)
10 drops Peanut Butter flavored Capella Flavor Drops (I like my cookies super peanuty flavored)

Mix all ingredients together. Make ping pong ball sized balls of dough (this is easy when you use a little cookie scooper, the kind that looks like a small ice cream scooper).
Place on cookie sheet (I use a silpat) and flatten with a fork, making that cute criss cross design.
Optional: I sprinkle a little xylitol on top of each cookie before baking; it gives that crystalized sugar topping effect)
Bake in 350 degree oven for about 12 minutes. Take out and let cool on a rack. They are delicate at first, but will firm up as they cool. To me, they taste best after they have been refrigerated, and they freeze great! 
I make them up, then keep them in the freezer, and only take one out at a time.

(my latest batch of PB cookies; I just noticed 
I got the criss, but forgot the cross, ha ha ha)

From Dr Phil's book: "You have within you everything you will ever need to be, do, and have, anything and everything you will ever want and need."

My verse for today: "Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits."

My quote for today: 'Peanut butter is the pate' of childhood." --Florence Fabricant

Enjoy the Journey,


Friday, May 28, 2010

DAY 292 Cheeseburger in a Bowl... Really!

Hi there, Journal & Friends,

I don't often post recipes, but it's time for another Friday Favorites!

So I wanted to share a recipe that I tried for the first time, and LOVED! I didn't invent it, but only discovered and tried it this week:
Cheeseburger in a Bowl!

It was yummy.
It was easy.
It was fast.
It was healthy.
It was lo carb, lo fat, lo cal.

What's not to like? 

I forgot to take a photo of my bowl, so I'll link you up to the lady from whom I stole the recipe, LOL!

I found Patty's recipe in the recipe section of Active LowCarber Forums (HERE).
I don't "do" chipotle, so you can vary it any way you like. I make up hamburger patties and cook and freeze them, so I just used one of those heated and crumbled, with cheddar cheese. 

Here is a link to photos of Patty's Cheeseburger in a Bowl. 

Mine turned out to have a little less hamburger and more veggies than Patty's, but it was still absolutely delish! I will definitely have it again, being so quick, easy and yummy. And honestly, I didn't miss the calorie/carb laden bun one bit. 

Tip: I don't like my dishes "dry", and used to get way too many calories in the dressings and mayo. Now what I do is use a tip I read about online... thin your condiments. 

The originator of this tip (Dr  somebody? who writes a column?? can't remember) uses water to thin with... you still get the flavor yet with less calories. OR, if you are like me and like lots of dressing, you get lots of dressing with NO MORE calories.

My Tip: Instead of water, which makes the condiments a little on the thin side, I use Chia Gel. It is virtually tasteless, yet has the viscosity about the same as most condiments. Plus, it is full of healthy Omega 3's. 

Easy-peasy to make Chia Gel: 2 cups water into jar with lid. Add 1/3 cup chia seed. Shake up, sit 5 minutes, shake again, refrigerate. Voila. Instant healthy goo to thin stuff with. :-D

If you try a Cheeseburger in a Bowl, I'd love to hear how it turned out, and what substitutions you chose.

From Dr Phil's book: "You must carve out time in your life for tension-reducing activities."

My verse for today: "That my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever."

My quote for today: "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." --Mark Twain

Enjoy the Journey,


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