Hello Journal!
His blog is called Stages of Change (here), and he started his journey at 618 lbs. He takes great photographs which he posts at times, and I wasn't surprised to discover that he plays the piano. Most of the musicians I have known, including those in my own family, feel deeply. His writing seems very honest and heartfelt.
What he said that resonated with me was this: that the weight was only a symptom, and he had a lot to work through...he wanted to do it the healthy way...he wanted to heal emotionally/mentally/spiritually AND physically...he understood it was a process of learning and growing, and it was not always fun, and it won't be a perfect journey...but he is excited about his bright future.
Oh, I smiled so big when I read this. When we finally get to the place where we stop looking for the quick fix...the magic bullet, and embrace the WORK of getting healthy...then the REAL progress begins.
I could beat myself up for not starting this journey at his age...OR, I could feel joy that this young man has found the way...and be happy and grateful that I, too, have finally found the way. I choose the JOY.
We are both on our way to our bright new futures! I am excited for us both. :-)

From Dr Phil's book: "Choose the right attitude and the right behavior to generate the right results."
I checked out his blog, which I'm now following. He is excellent!
His blog is amazing. I'm following now too.
Aww sounds nice, I will have to go check out his blog.
Took me awhile to get to that point, too. He's wiser than I am.
I am glad you all like him...I feel the same way. And I want to encourage him, but I also know I will learn from him.
Hi Loretta, I just came across your blog and I think it's terrific. I, too, am engaged in a weight loss journey of my own....losing 212 pounds at 46 years old(as of next Friday).
I do agree there is no quick fix. If there were no one would be overweight. I love the positive attitude! Hang in there! Keep up the great work! Maybe we can inspire each other along the way! Good luck!
Hi Debbie,
Looks like we started our blogs around the same time. Thanks for visiting me, and here's to enjoying the journey together!
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