The pain pills have kicked in, and hubby made it through the night without me murdering him in his sleep. Yeah, I was a tad bit grumpy yesterday. :-D
So on to the fun stuff! Last week I posted a free download of a WordBubble doodle (here, if you missed it)
and today I'm showing my finished doodle. If you'd like to share yours, I invite you to leave a link in the comments to where we can see it.
Here's how mine looked, nekkid of color:
My first pass with the blue family:
Almost done:
Finished, before final varnish (it's hard to photograph with the glare of varnish):
I hope you enjoyed playing around with yours... I liked what Mamajulianna called it... a stress buster. :-D
When I get my new video camera, I plan to do another one. That was fun!
As I discover who played along, I'll add them here, so it'll be easier to visit them and see all the variations:
For you artsy fartsy types, if you'd like more details on materials and method and all that, I invite you to visit my art blog by clicking on link under the pic below. I'll be posting all the deets there later tonight.

From Dr Phil's book: "You can create an internal dialogue that is healthy, constructive, and joyful."
My verse for today: "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."
My quote for today: "If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing." --Marc Chagall
Enjoy the Journey,
DAY 897
Of course, you colored yours way better than I did mine. But that's OK, I had fun playing with the word bubble & I was much less obsessive about it than a book cover. Which is good, because I'm too swamped to get sidetracked this month. I find cover & little art projects to be a great stress release.
I'll be posting up your bubble on my blog tomorrow with what I did. I chose the word, "Bold".
Hope you recover and heal quickly, Loretta. Hugs.
:o! That's amazing!!!! I loved seeing the steps. Deb
Beautiful, like you.
what fun zentangle! I love doing stuff like that. Yours turned out so beautiful! :) I've printed yours off today. I'll post it soon! :)
This was so fun and I did do one as well. I used the word Fearless. Thanks for this, Retta! Here's my link:
I love that too and wish i could doodle like that...
I love your toon tues and want to do another one!
i have the download and I am saving it for presidents day weekend....can't wait for the next one certainly has got me thinking of digging out my art stuff that I packed away so many years ago...I miss it!
Hi Loretta, your blog looks fabulous and you look gorgeous in your picture. love your hair. just poppin in to say hello and see how you are doing. I am going to check out your art blog. I am back with my other blog now again, it will help me keep focused. take care, you seem very positive and inspiring us to get to our artsy side. I am all for that. hugs to you.
You are gifted!!
Stay focused!
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