Thursday, December 17, 2009

DAY 130 Choosing NOT the Abyss

Hello Journal & Friends!

I've been in a coma! And just woke up!!

Well, that's what it felt like for a split second, anyway. Yesterday I experienced such a bizarre feeling while talking to a relative that I haven't seen in... well, 14 years?! I am helping to arrange a family get-together, doing the flunky work of making the phone calls.

We chatted a bit, getting caught up, and she mentioned her daughter. In my minds eye I was picturing a toddler. I asked how old her daughter was now? When she said 13 years old, I about fell out of my chair... no way!! Honestly it was surreal.. I really felt like a time warp had hit... or I had just been awakened from a coma. 

We continued to chat, she sharing her goals and dreams, and how she was actively pursuing them. After the phone visit ended, I was slammed with this fleeting feeling of fear...almost of anguish. It really was like an abyss opened up in front of me. I could look down into this dark place and see...

--wasted years because of being fat 
--my health taking a downward spiral
--regret for missing out on family events
--time passing by so fast yet what did I have to show for it?
--shame, regret, self-recriminations, guilt
--panic that it was too late
--sadness over the career that never was

Then I stepped back from that abyss.

 I really, truly knew I had a choice to make, right then and there. 

It was so tempting to come closer to that edge, to just check it out, to reach over and stick a toe down into it, to check out how the Self Pity would feel. To just crumple down into it, and relax my resistance awhile. To take a break from being "strong".

Instead, in my minds eye, I turned my back on that abyss. I could still almost hear it's soothing call, to just try it out... to mull it over... To "rationally" consider its message.

Yeah... right, like I really need to indulge in Oh-Poor-Me thinking!!  But if I want to succeed, to change, to have victory, I cannot afford that indulgence. It may feel good short-term, but it will ROB me, it will steal from me. It will destroy my progress.

Yes, drowning my emotions in food all these years IS sort of like being in a coma. But is it too late?? I refuse to accept that. I refuse to go back to beating myself up for past less-than-healthy choices. I've dealt with all that before, and what's done is done.

I can't change ANY of that. But I CAN change my tomorrows, by my choices today. 

If this "scare" had to come, I'm glad it came around Christmas. Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. His birth brought good news, a message of forgiveness and hope.

I have been forgiven, and I have forgiven myself, also, for messing up a lot of years with wrong choices. And I have hope that my good choices now are creating a healthier future for me.

So nope, sorry ol' abyss, I won't go backwards and focus on you and your destructive message. 

will focus on my healthy Todays, which will birth my wonderful Tomorrows.

From Dr Phil's book: "That's your priority. You must hold yourself to a higher standard now, you cannot be wishy washy."

My verse for today: "Struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me."

My quote for today: "There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." --Denis Waitley

Enjoy the Journey,



Anonymous said...

I have looked into that abyss, and if it were not for God's strong arm and compassionate hand holding me back, I would have slipped into it. I'm so glad you resisted the siren's song!

Praise God for his mercy and grace--they are more than enough for us! And, let the Redeemed say so! Instead of the abyss, JOY arises!

Onward and forward,


Retta said...

Joy arises... that is so lovely. And there it is again, this amazing thing called Grace.
Thank you, Deb.

Joanne said...

Loretta while I was reading the first part I was mentally screaming at you to "step back" and lookie you did - you did!!! I am so inspired and in awe of you and everything about you. This was very powerful and good for you!!!!

Retta said...

Joanne, thank you, what nice things to say! I appreciate that. :-)
I agree, it was good in that it really strengthened my resolve not to choose to go backward, and indulge in self-pity, and just spiral down. And it felt good to "choose" to not stay bothered by it.

financecupcake said...
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financecupcake said...

GO, LORETTA!!! That would have been a great excuse to eat, and you didn't take it! You are such a strong woman. Good for you for not getting lost in the abyss of the past. You are rocking the healthy lifestyle and the weight loss, and both look good on you!

Retta said...

Hi Christina,
Thanks for the nice comments, I appreciate them. But just remember,... I'm not superwoman... I struggle to keep a good attitude like everyone else. Every day is a choice. And hopefully we'll learn and get better and better as we go. :-)

Christine said...

man, I read that first bit and I was all..
Then you backed up.
Yes, we can look at what we missed, or we can look at all we are gaining.
You are gaining health and strength daily.
Congratulations on working on YOUR DREAMS and YOUR GOALS.
The dreams and goals YOU ARE ACTIVELY PURSUING.
I hope you are talking to people about what you are achieving so they can be amazed as well.
Keep up the good work loretta,
You are an inspiration to many people.

Retta said...

" we can look at what we missed, or we can look at all we are gaining." You are so right, Chris! And that right there is my biggest challenge, the one I constantly must be vigilant about... not looking backward, but focusing on the future. It's a choice every day!

{ALL} for a Better Life said...

I have had and still have some of those same feelings. Regret is hard to overcome - but you are doing it! Forgiveness and acceptance of ourselves is hard - but you are doing it!

You are a wonderful teacher!

Retta said...

Hi Kim,
You're so right, regret is a toughie. It's hard to LET GO of things we can't change. The only way I finally got a handle on it was to focus instead on the things over which I DO have some say... my choices NOW and how they will help me have a better future. I think it's great we can share our journeys and learn from each other.

Olivia said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome post! Not much else to say except, way to go!

Retta said...

Thank you, Olivia! :-)

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