Thursday, December 3, 2009

DAY 116 If It's to Be, It's Up to Me

Hello Journal & Friends!

I'm still thinking about this journey, how personal it is, and how much we are able to help one another with encouragement and support. Yet at the end of the day, no one but ME can make me get up and DO the things I need to do... no one but ME is going to make that choice which decides victory or defeat. 

At the deciding point, I am alone.
This is an individual journey.

Alone, in private, with my own thoughts, is where the drive to continue must ultimately come from.

I must somehow take all the input, all the support, all the encouragement and inspiration from outside sources... and plant it all in my own heart and mind. I must protect it, defend it, and nuture it while it grows big and strong. So that someday, SOMEDAY it will be a powerful force that carries me along, and I will be able to give from my overflow, as my friend B once told me.

When I refer to being "alone", I am talking about people. I never feel alone in the sense that God has suddenly gone "poof!" from my life. No, I mean other people. I can't get dependent upon other people for my success in this journey. They are only human, and can't meet that kind of expectation. It's unfair and unrealistic of me to put that kind of burden onto anyone else.

For far too many years I expected my husband to "lead the way" in this quest for health and fitness. I set up expectations, and was disappointed again and again when he failed to meet "my" ideals. I can honestly say that I have almost... maybe 99.9%... stopped doing that. Now I celebrate who he IS, not who he is not. And it's fun to rediscover how much there is to celebrate!

Michael Beckwith says to look for the Blessin' or the Lesson in all of life's circumstances.

It surprises me to be writing this now, but I can honestly say that I am glad I started out this leg of my journey with no support at home. My only support at the time was a small online group of women who were consistent, in the long run, to their commitment to weight loss and health. 

In real life, I was forced to learn to be my own coach, my own motivator, to push myself to exercise, to keep learning what would work for me nutrition wise. To be my own "Jillian".

This made me stronger.

I talk to myself more than anyone else in my life. What I think, what I say to myself will make or break this journey for me.  I had no one checking in on me to see if I drank my water, if I exercised, if I ate right. 

If it was to be, it was up to me.

We need to get to the place that NOTHING will stand in our way. No reason, no justification, no situation, no rationalization. Or, better yet, call them what they usually are: excuses.

Yes, life happens. But too often it's something that I allowed to interfere in one way or another. Outside of my control? No problem, that's life. 

Within my control? Then it falls into the excuse pile for me.

Am I perfect at this? Of course not. I'm still learning as I go.  But these are my goals, the way I WANT to be, a target to aim at.

If this sounds tough, it's because I still have a lot of weight to lose. Being easy, being soft and casual and  "oh well, there's always tomorrow" GOT ME TO 460 POUNDS!

To have what I have not had before, 
I must be willing to DO what I have not done before.

And that means getting TOUGH, getting determined and focused and willing to do whatever it takes.

From Dr Phil's book: "When you choose your behavior and your thoughts, you choose the consequences that flow from those choices."

My verse for today: "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall."

My quote for today: "The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground."

Enjoy the Journey,



antgirl said...

I love reading your blog. I see you doing and growing. It reminds me of all I went through to get to where I got to.

As we get stronger on the inside, it starts to show on the outside. We are our own coaches. If we can make those changes in mindset to how we approach food choices and exercise, it is a large part of the battle. When I figured that out, I found a lot of peace. When I found that peace, that is how I am able to stick. :)

You're getting there, Loretta. You're going to do it.

Yaneri said...

Wow! You are so inspiring! Your words of encouragement make everything possible!
I'm on the mission too to loose it!! Physically thou.....but who know's maybe mentally....hahaha! For sure will be following your blog to read your quotes and verses of the day!!

Happy Holidays!

Unknown said...

Loretta, I loved this post. We have to stand on our own and take responsibility for actions and ourselves. You are such an inspiration to me. By reading your blog and seeing what you've dealt with and how far you've come I know it is possible for me to lose this weight that has held me prisoner for most of my life. I know it will happen if I make it happen!


Anonymous said...

Love the little twinkling lights and that little mouse with the helmet! chuckle.

Sometimes I feel just like that little mouse--although I usually end up getting my nose smashed no matter how much protection i wear. I hope your nose hasn't been smashed too recently, friend.


foolsfitness said...

I firstly wanted to say congratulations on working so hard and keeping it up for the long run to hit that 100 pounds off mark. Seeing you can do it spurs me on to think... well maybe, just maybe, I can too if I keep up the fight!

In honor of your toon tuesday I just put up a drawing I made called "big game hunter" I drew it thinking about how sometimes we face such huge monsters... but there are those with courage and a match stick cannon!!

At Foolsfitness we love work outs... we can watch people workout for hours! - Alan

Christine said...

yep, in the's just us on that scale...that being said...
the quote be sure you do not fall....
I think we can follow with a three fold cord is not easily broken. If you fall, we are there to support you and encourage you.
And as you say, God is always there.
he is in everything.

Retta said...

Thank you EVERYONE, for your nice comments and support. It means alot to me. While we each are ultimately the one responsible for our own journey, it is wonderful to have fellow travelers that understand and support each other. :-)

karen@fitnessjourney said...

In the end you are the only one in control, but lean on your support system until you are ready to stand on your own. I tend to think that the success of Weight Watchers has a lot to do with the support element (not to mention the accountability factor!) Eventually what may seem a struggle will become part of your lifestyle. Until that time, lean on the people who want to help you fulfill your goals.

Anonymous said...

Girl you are so right. I am figuring this out as we speak! :-)

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