Friday, April 30, 2010

DAY 264 The Last of the Best's

Hi there Journal & Friends,

Today's the day... I'm finally finishing up the Honest Scrap Award. Honestly!

 Here goes...

8. Best thing someone has ever done for you:

A few years ago after my step-dad died, my Mom came to live next door to us. At the time, we lived in a 40 year old single-wide mobile home... cramped to say the least. Mom was my best friend, and it was my honor to help care for her til she died of breast cancer two years later.
We had been slowly saving money for years and years, and had built it up to $5000. We had a dream... to save up for a down payment to buy our own home. But caring for Momma was costly. Almost the whole family helped,  but we still went in the hole every month, and soon our savings were gone. And you know what?? I'd do it again in a heartbeat, for Momma.
But... our dream was gone, too. We were busted. Then an amazing thing happened. My older Brother and his wife GAVE us the money we needed to get into our home. No strings. No payback. Just out of love. Even to this day I tear up... I am touched, and so thankful.

9. Best thing you have ever done for someone else:
Don't know how to answer this one... I think I would have to let other people in my life or past answer that.  I don't feel like a particularly generous person, compared to people I have known.
I've thought and thought... and only one thing pops up. I had a friend dying of pancreatic cancer, and she could no longer go anywhere. I used to go and help her with medical insurance paperwork, and just sit and visit. 
From her, I learned that even when you are dying, you should try to find "little joys" in your life each day. 
After she died, her adult son told me it meant a lot to her that I would visit her, because since she stopped going to church, slowly everyone drifted away, and no one visited any longer... and she felt forgotten. That broke my heart, and I wished I had visited more often. 

10. Best life changing moment:
Okay, it you don't like "religious" stuff, it's okay if you skip this one. ;-)
The answer would have to be:  when I "met Jesus".

 You see, I didn't go to a church. I was "saved" by listening to a radio program while I worked alone at night on the graveyard shift. I didn't even know what had happened to me... I just went around the next day telling people that "I met Jesus."
It was cool... it was as though before I like a kid on the OUTSIDE looking in, through a big plate glass window into the candy store where everyone else already was. After I met Him, suddenly it felt like I, too, was now INSIDE, a part of it all, and it was real.

It was a very personal experience... like finally meeting in person someone that had been courting me for a long time... and I finally realized He was near, and I let down the walls and decided to risk it all, and trust Him. And He didn't disappoint... it's been a love relationship ever since. Ups and downs, yes. But I have never, ever regretted it. Not once.

Sorry it's taken me so long to finish up the Honest Scrap 10 Best list... it really stirred up memories for me. :-)
So, that's it, the last of my 10 Best. I don't really remember what the "pass it on" rules are, but if any of you reading this would enjoy dishing out some of your Best Scrap, please consider yourself picked, and post away! I would love to read YOUR Best Ten. Really. Go on... here it is... you know you want to!

Oh, and here is the The Ten Best list...

1. Best Meal ever...
2. Best sleep ever...
3. Best cup of coffee....
4. Best romantic moment made for a movie...
5. Best return to childhood moment....
6. Best moment of your life (apart from having your children or getting married)...
7. Best moment of revenge...
8. Best thing someone has ever done for you....
9. Best thing you have ever done for someone else...
10. Best life changing moment...

From Dr Phil's book: "Be realistic about what you can control and what you can't."

My verse for today: "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."

My quote for today: "There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream." --author unknown

Thursday, April 29, 2010

DAY 263 Peaches & Lions

Hello Journal & Friends,

In the spring of 2009, we planted a dwarf peach tree in the backyard of our new home. Frosty (yes, we named him) was busy growing, putting down roots, and making himself at home, and only produces 3 luscious peaches that first year.

This year, we were looking forward to a "big" crop. Then spring came and we thought we had lost our new little blossoms. Frosty had survived a cold winter, only to be hit in with a couple of cold snaps after the new buds had come out.

A couple of days ago, MyGuy was outside removing the Christmas lights from Frosty (they are used to ward off the deadly frosts that hit in early spring), and he looked closely. And there, hidden protectively in little curls of leaves, were the beginnings of new life... peaches! Almost 20 of them!

Frosty went through a rough time, but he survived. He would not be refused... he's a tough little tree.

I feel like Frosty... like I have been going through a long, tough "winter", and just when I think it's over, I get hit with a cold snap that smacks me down again.

But like Frosty, I won't be denied. I refuse to be barren, to not grow.

I have lost much of the progress I had gained, exercise and strength-wise. But I have decided that if I did it once, I CAN DO IT AGAIN.

I refuse to stay discouraged. 
I refuse to keep thinking "it's not fair".
I refuse to lose my passion.
I refuse to allow this to derail me.

While listening to some Keith Green music a few days ago, a thought struck me: I am doing this backwards. 

I have been so flattened physically lately, that I felt like I was losing my passion, my determination, my joy. I was struggling with "it's not fair"... with "is it too late?"  I was waiting to feel better physically, to get my "mojo" back.

That is backwards!!

Passion comes from within, from deep inside, where our "chooser" lives,  in our heart of hearts, not from outside circumstances.

Nothing, no one, no temporary condition will take this journey from me. 

I may not "feel" it right now, but I HAVE IT. It is mine... I will not let go of my hold on it.

I may be weak as a kitten on the outside right now, but inside I am a Lion! Hear me roar! 

From Dr Phil's book: "Change must come totally from within you. This is where the real power to create lasting results is found."

My verse for today: "The righteous will flourish like a palm tree... They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green..."

My quote for today: "We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread.  They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." --Viktor Frankl

Enjoy the Journey,


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 262 Thar Be Alligators!

Hi Friends & Journal,

Short and sweet today...

My gastritis has flared up now, terrible stomach pain, meds still trying to catch up and control.

I don't recommend this as the next Great Weight Loss Miracle Diet!!

I really did have something to say... it'll have to wait.

My Dad used to say "if the skeeters don't get ya then the gators will!"

See ya later alligator,


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

DAY 261 It's Toon Tuesday

Hi Journal & Friends,

My favorite day of the week:

I am left-handed. The infected finger I had recently was on my left hand, in my index finger. So in addition to not typing with that hand, I couldn't draw either. 

For the fun of it, I drew this Toon with my right hand. I'm am still recovering from all the physical stuff, so this is meaningful to me.

Here then, is a Right-Handed drawn Toon by a Left-Handed artist!
(can click pics to enlarge)

And just for fun, I inverted the picture on the computer. Which do you like better??

From Dr Phil's book: "When you are on the right track, there is an enormous energy that uplifts you."

My verse for today: "How great are your works, O Lord, how profound your thoughts!"

My quote for today: "Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek." --Mario Andretti 

Enjoy the Journey,


Monday, April 26, 2010

DAY 260 Honest Scrap & My Sister

Hi there, Journal & Friends,

I'm finally getting around to continuing with my answers for the Honest Scrap Award, given to me decades ago by Chris at A Deliberate Life, and Karen at Fitness: A Journey Not a Destination.

I'm up to question number 7, out of 10. So, here goes:

7. Best Moment of Revenge
Actually, I'm not proud of this memory, but it's the only thing that came to mind!
It happened in High school. One day my sister, Karen, borrowed a pair of my shoes without asking me first. I saw her wearing them on campus, and demanded she take them off! She had to walk barefoot to get her gym shoes out of her locker. It was a mean and selfish thing to do to your own sister. I was a very self-absorbed teenager, to say the least.  
We had a lot of fights growing up, especially because we almost always had to share a room. Once, I was so snotty that I put masking tape down the middle of the floor of our bedroom and threatened her if she crossed the line to my side!!
But fortunately for me, she has that wonderful personality type that knows how to forgive. Today, I am so happy to say that my sister, Karen, and I are the best of friends. :-)
(can click on pics to enlarge)

From Dr Phil's book: "Every success or failure you will have flows from that self-determined personal truth."

My verse for today: "It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night."

My quote for today: "If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive." --Mother Teresa

Enjoy the Journey,


Sunday, April 25, 2010

DAY 259 Day of Rest & Favorite Photo

Hello Journal & Friends,

Still haven't shaken this cough/congestion/earache thingie, so am definitely resting today!

When I was a kid growing up on Southern California, we once lived at a house that had a short, squat palm tree in the front yard. 

We kids LOVED that tree, cuz every year, magically overnight it seemed, it became solidly loaded with new LADYBUGS! Thousands and thousands of the adorable little bugs.  I've had a soft spot for Ladybugs ever since.

(can click pic to enlarge)

Enjoy the Journey,


Saturday, April 24, 2010

DAY 258 The New Chapter Has Begun! & Challenge Week 5 Update

Hi Journal & Friends!

First, Spring Challenge Business:

 Here is a Summary of the Spring Challenge,   and while it's too late to be eligible for the prize drawing at the end, anyone is welcome to join anytime, if you would like a boost to your journey. The challenge helps me focus, to have clearly defined mini-goals,  offers accountability that gives me that extra oomph needed at times to DO what I need to do, even when I don't wanna!

Spring Challenge Warriors: go ahead and put the link to your weekly update, whatever day you chose, here in Saturday's comment section, so we can be together and find one another.

Overall goal of the Challenge:
"The goal of this challenge is to teach yourself to look at your new behaviors positively, to learn to be nicer to yourself and believe in yourself, to learn to enjoy healthy behaviors and learn some moderation. A little balance. It's important. More important to learn than the extremes - too much and deprivation." --from Mary, at Wistful Nebulae

Okay... on to my own  weekly check-in...

My Spring Challenge goals:

1. Every day for the next 13 weeks, do some kind of Exercise.
2. Every day for the next 13 weeks, drink a Greenie.
3. Check in every Saturday.
4. Tell one thing each week that I like about myself.
5. Save up to buy myself a fun Reward at the end.

My Exercise: Zilch. Still weak, but getting stronger every day. As soon as my lungs clear of congestion, I'm cleared to start exercising again.

My Greenies: Just starting up again, today. I'll admit, it's been hard to eat, since I have no sense of taste. This cold/cough stole my tastebuds! 

One thing I like about myself: I'm happy when others succeed, especially at this weight loss and getting healthy thing. I'm not jealous, but look to see what I can learn from them. There's enough success to go around for every one!

For my Reward: Still tucking away money in my glass bear jar.

Remember, we want progress, not perfection.

Now, I am going to BURST if I don't tell you about the beginning to the New Chapter in my journey. 

I have had a certain goal for the LAST 20 YEARS: to just be "normal", and be able to weigh in at the doctors office on their scale. 

Yesterday, I did it!!

It's hard to explain why this means so much to me... I almost cried right there in the office. To finally, FINALLY achieve this mini-goal is significant to me. It makes it "real". I have busted through my mini-goal of getting down past 350 AND weighing in at the docs office... two for one!! 

Jim was trying to protect me from disappointment, since it was going to be close, and I almost let him talk me into waiting. Then, I remember things that I, myself had written.
To live BOLDLY.

To reach for the moon; even if you miss you will still be among the stars.


I told myself if I try and miss, yes I will be disapointed. But so what?? I'll survive. And will try again. It would only be a delay, not a fail.

But I made it! And here is the proof, LOL!! Can ya tell I'm excited???? :-D

From Dr Phil's book: "Your thoughts powerfully program you."

My verse for today: "When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted."

My quote for today: "When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure." --Peter Marshall

Enjoy the Journey,


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