Saturday, January 2, 2010

DAY 146 Abysmal or Bold?

Hi Journal & Friends,

After I posted yesterday, I looked over at my sidebar where I had just updated my Monthly Shrink. It was embarassing! The total loss for the whole month of December was a mere 2 pounds.

Then I re-read my own words "Motivation Follows Action". And I still believe it.

But what happens when you DO all the things you know you should have done, and STILL don't have the results to show from all that effort??


You choose from List A or List B.

List A:
Feel disappointed, embarrassed and ashamed
Feel like a phoney, a hypocrite
Feel defensive
Imagine what people are thinking about you (and it ain't pretty!)
Feel sorry for yourself, and hold a Pity Party
Get depressed
Lose belief
Console yourself with the help of Ben & Jerry


List B:
Know that you DID make healthy choices
Feel proud of yourself for those choices
Accept that it went slower than you would have preferred
Stay determined, hopeful, positive
Go ahead, have a quick cry, then get ON with the journey!
Keep going, no matter what!
Don't compare yourself to anyone else

Have realistic goals, remembering you're are almost 59; and yet...
Dream big dreams and Dare Greatly!

And always remember, He promised to walk this journey with me.

The A in List A stands for Abysmal.
The B in List B stands for Boldness!

Wanna guess which list I am choosing??

From Dr Phil's book: "Be realistic about what you can control and what you can't."

My verse for today: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

My quote for today: "We need to take time daily to read the word of God and pray so our hearts and minds are focused not on what seems important, but what truly IS important. And that is our relationship with God." --Karen E Brown

Enjoy the Journey,



Olivia said...

"Do not let great ambitions overshadow small success."

You can do it! :) When I was reading your post I was thinking, "Choose List B! List B!"


Retta said...

What a wonderful quote! I've never heard that before. It is PERFECT for me right now. Thank you so much,

PJ Geek said...

Good post. I've gotten a lot of wisdom and hope from your blog. Keep up the great work. If you get a chance , visit my blog.

Casandra said...

B! Definitely B! Remember 2 pounds is still a loss. Maybe not as much as we would like, but EVERY mile is made up of inches. You can make it a mile until you have first traveled an inch.

Ten Gone said...

I love your attitude - it's inspiring (and don't be embarassed for losing "only" two pounds in December - any loss is good :) Happy 2010!!

dailyseeking said...

Now I like that about having two lists--so when I'm having negative thoughts I can shove over into list A and move on!

Christine said...

I'll be honest loretta, I don't think of your blog as a weight loss blog.
Which is strange because it is.
I think of it more as a spiritual blog.
I didn't notice how much you did or didnt lose.
Never be ashamed of writing the truth.
what's true is true.

Anonymous said...

As you noticed, most of the thoughts and feelings of List A come unbidden--they are the bird that lands on your head. You chose not to let that bird build a nest when you determinedly chose List B. Good for you! Another post I wish I knew how to print out and save for myself.

Onward and forward--holding tightly to God's hand!


Losing 100 said...

You should be proud of yourself! You are moving in the right direction! That is real progress. (especially during the holiday season) Remember, this is not a sprint, it's a marathon. :) I'm proud of you!

Retta said...

MS PJ GEEK: Thanks for the nice comment, and welcome!

CASANDRA: You are so right... inch by inch anything's a cinch. ;-)

TEN GONE: Thanks, and you're right, I guess I should be happy it wasn't a 2 lbs gain!

DAILYSEEKING: I like that too. :-)

CHRIS: Wow, I had never thought of it that way. And thanks for that, you are right, it's the truth.

DEB: Ah, yes, those pesky birds that want to nest in our hair! And to think, I used to put out a bird feeder for them, LOL!

LOSING 100: Thank you, I need to constantly remind myself that it is a marathon not a sprint!

...still thinking about that quote from Olivia: "Do not let great ambitions overshadow small success." I'm going to have to make a Toon out of that one for Toon Tuesday! I just haven't come up with a visual yet to go with it. :-)

Anonymous said...


Linked to you from Steve's Perfect 10 list. :)

As I've been on this journey almost 8 months, I discovered that, for me, the key is learning to live responsibly. That means thinking before acting, and not knee-jerk reacting to things like a child (including stuffing Ding Dongs in it.) Sounds like you've been doing that a tad. But it's not anything you can't self-correct! Facing your own music is 9/10ths of the battle. You can do this!!!

Retta said...

Hi Sunny, thanks for visiting, and nice to see you are in the Perfect 10 Challenge, also.

Being new to my blog, I know you aren't aware that I don't eat flour or sugar, at least not since March of 2009. I stayed on program all during the holiday season, and didn't exceed my calorie budget. That was the main reason for my frustration at such a teensy loss.

But I've been doing some detective work, and found a couple of things that might have slowed me down. I'll be posting on that Monday.

Thanks for visiting,

Beth said...

I always know I can count on some great motivation from your blog. I took out the Dr. Phil book but had to return it after 3 weeks because it was requested by someone else. I'll have to get it again. The quotes you post from him are wonderful.

Retta said...

Hi Beth,
I think the reason I appreciate his book so much is because he broke it down simple and easy to follow. Over the years I have read so much stuff, and just didn't want any more psycho-babble that was all theory and no practical application. His is down-to-earth, where the rubber meets the road. I guess I was ready for the simple approach!
Thank you for the nice comment,

Diana said...

Great attitude Loretta. I love it!

financecupcake said...

Loretta, I have missed reading your blog! I'm going to try to read everything I've missed. This was a great post! You always have such a positive attitude. Good job sticking with it! Happy new year!

South Beach Steve said...

Loretta, I will add one to your B list, although you kind of touched on it. You LOST! That is a victory in an of itself! A true victory!

BTW, The Anchor Holds is one of my all time favorites.

Retta said...

DIANA: Thanks for that! :-)

STEVE: It's one of my top favorites, too. Back in 1975, when I first met Jesus, is came across a verse and never forgot it, that He would be "the sure and steadfast anchor of my soul." It's been tested, sometimes severely, many times, but the Anchor still holds. It's my favorite-est thing about God... He is faithful, I can count on Him.


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