Saturday, November 21, 2009

DAY 104 The Name Challenge

Happy Caturday, Journal!

I was thinking about a challenge I read a few years ago in which people were asked to come up with a vision for themselves using the letters of their own name as the starting point.

So just for fun, I want to do that today. I haven't obtained all of these totally or consistently yet, but they are my goals... things that I strive to BE:

L LIVE my best Life NOW, with Passion!

O ONE good choice at a time... I can DO this

R - RIGHT Motivation... the Vision of my healthy, strong, balanced, joyful new life!

E - ENTHUSIASM! Enjoy the journey!

T - THERMOSTAT...not a thermometer.  *I* choose the kind of day I will have. :-)

T - THOUGHTS... Heal the thinking, the body follows

A - ATTITUDE... positive, appreciative, determined!

I would love it if anyone else would like to do this! You can post on your blog, here in comments, or wherever you like. And you can use your first name or both... or whatever word inspires you. I liked doing this... it made me really think about the qualities I want in my life, and  helped me bring them into focus. It reminded me of the OTHER areas that are important on this journey, not just the weight loss. Finding that balance is a struggle for me, and a learning process. One lesson at a time! :-)

From Dr Phil's book: "Behavioral change is more successful if it is supported by a caring, loyal, and encouraging network of like-minded people who want you to win."

My verse for today: "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

My quote for today: "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."--Goethe

Enjoy the Journey,



Anonymous said...

Ahh, Loretta, you're good for me. :) When I first started to read this post, I immediately thought of the first letter of my name--D...for dumpy. hahaha

But then I read further and saw the "vision for yourself" part. Ohhhhh. After I read your entry, I got the gist of the thing even more. Not that D for Dumpy isn't accurate, you understand. lol.

So here goes:

D--Dependable. I AM dependable--it's a blessing and a curse. chuckle.

E--Enthusiastic. I can be incredibly enthusiastic --but more on a project by project basis rather than about life in general. I want to have an enthusiasm for life--my life--and live it to the fullest. That's part of what this whole journey is about.

B--Blessing. I want to be a blessing to God and to others. Often, I already am (Surprised to hear me say that?) As a counselor, God has given me a certain skill at giving a "good, encourging, edifying word" and I am generous with material things. But, again, I'm not consistent. I tend to dip into someone's moment, lend a hand, and then withdraw. I want my life--not just my determined, isolated actions, to be a blessing.

R--Reverent. I truly reverence God. I am a worshiper both in public and in private. But, again, consistancy is an issue. I want my daily walk to be reverent and God-honering. It isn't always--especially in grocery store lines. sigh.

A--Authentic. I am determined to be real. All of the time. Warts and all. That doesn't always win me a popularity contest becasue my nature is a bit quirky and my temperament tends toward the naturally serious and melancholy side. (Like you couldn't tell that!) But, regardless, I choose to be authentic, transparent, real.

Thanks, Loretta! That was good for me to do. :D
I loved your list, by the way--and add a "Me, too!" to all of your goals. :D


Anonymous said...

Uh-hmmm. I do know how to spell HONORING. sigh.

Retta said...

Oh Deb, I loved reading yours! And I was saying Me Too to them also! Thank you for sharing them. I'm having a tough morning, not weight related, but otherwise. I really needed to read something this nice.
Thank you,

antgirl said...

Ooops, that was from me. But you probably guessed that. :-O

antgirl said...

Blogger & I are having issues, me thinks. Yeah, Im rolling my eyes.

As I was saying, it is such a pleasure to read your blog. There is such a joyful spirit around you, Loretta. And to read of your insights and progress helps me reset and refocus.

M - meet each day with passion and positivity.

A - affirm my ego - I do not suck - and have the courage to keep going

R - Reach for my dreams and for what makes me better. Keep reaching. That enrichment makes the first two possible and stronger.

Y - Yesterday was yesterday. Keep looking forward. That is where my life is.

I have to confess to tiring of hearing 'no' lately. Thus my post. I'm really working on the Affirm thing this weekend. It didn't stop me for sending out for more no's, but it's a tough business. I have to keep reframing things in a way that helps me. I must say the weight loss journey was a good trial for this.

Beth said...


B - Benefits, concentrate on the benefits of WL
E - Energetic (that's a goal,not there yet!)
T - Thoughtful with my choices
H - Hopeful always (trying to do this)

Dayne Gingrich said...

Thank you soooo much for visiting Coach Your Mind, because now... I GET TO ENJOY YOUR INCREDIBLE BLOG!!!


Everything I read here is so positive and uplifting. I'll be passing this on to many of my friends.

D Do, every single day. Take action, rather than only talking.
A Attract positivity through positive thinking and believing.
Y Yearn to learn... more and more, every minute.
N Never, ever, ever quit!
E Earn it, whatever "it" means to us in this moment.

Retta said...

MARY/ANTGIRL: I'm glad it helped you! I was just at Dayne's blog, Coach Your Mind, and read his article on hard work, and thought of you! You might like it, in case you haven't already read it:

BETH: Oooh, I especially loved your T... thoughtful with my choices. I need that one, too. :-)

DAYNE: H! I was just at your blog, making myself notes for TWO different posts... you really inspired me! So I was delighted to find you here. Now I wish I had a D in my name. I have a note I read every day, taken from the writings of Og Mandino, about Doing... my note reminds me "I will act NOW." It is important to me, cuz for too many years I did too much talking without enough consistent DOING.


financecupcake said...

I LOVE the thermostat one! You are so clever!

C-Consistent and cautious exerciser (I have to stop hurting myself)
H-Hate fried food
R-Runner? One day!
I-Ingrained healthy habits
S-Set a good example
T-Teach my little boy healthy habits
I-I will love my body, stretch marks and all
N-Nice to myself (working on it)
A-Always think before eating: Am I really hungry?

Retta said...

Hi Christina,
I love your T... that is so powerful, and will have repercussions for generations to come. He might not know it for years and years, but you are giving him such a gift. I didn't get that gift as a child, so he is really blessed!

And I am such a plagiarist!! I heard about the thermometer/thermostat years ago, and always remembered it. Can't remember who first said it, though! But it's not original with me. :-D

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