Tuesday, April 19, 2011

APRIL 19th Get With the Program!

Good morning Journal & Friends,

Time for me to get going again. It's just too tempting to allow legitimate stuff to morph into excuses. I guess that comes from so many years of being the Queen of Excuses. :-} 

It's too easy to fall back into old habits. I'd like to think I was past that... but no, I still struggle. I'm encouraged there have been no humongous binges as in the "old days"... but I've been lax with portions sizes too often. 

Joey decided it was time for me to get with the program!

So... here we go...

Lessons From A Puppy # 4

Find a way to make it happen. 

Make a way. 
Believe in a way. 
Insist on a way. 

It doesn't take money, special trainers, programs or products. 

It takes not accepting NO for an answer. 
Keep going, no matter what, til it happens.
Accept nothing less.

I first got started on this train of thought when Jim came home from the pet store with a "treat" for Joey. Here is Joey about a month ago, and the treat was bigger than she was:

Sometimes we think we need all these special things... like in our weight loss journey, we might fall for the excuse that we need expensive gym memberships, or special equipment, or fancy products or trainers or food programs. If you can afford it, hooray. But we don't NEED it. 

I've caught myself saying stuff like "well, sure, it's easy for HER (some famous tv person) cuz she can afford her own personal trainer and chef". But really, that's an excuse. I can make it happen, too. One way or another, I can do it, too. And it doesn't matter what others think. Do it whatever way is best for YOU.

Butterfly has her own opinion, but Joey doesn't care...

Joey doesn't need an expensive special chew. She cracks me up... She wants to play, so she finds a way. She invents games, and finds her own toys...which is why I've gotta watch her like a hawk.  :-D

Here are her current favorites: a paper towel tube, a straw, a plastic lid, and a purple massage ball from a broken massager. If she can't locate her "official" toys, she makes it happen... she will find a way, LOL!

Besides her stuffed giraffe, she does have one favorite store-bought toy: her brown chew bone. She LOVES that thing. Well, we gotta indulge a LITTLE, don't we??

Joey is right... I need to get going again. Time is precious... and I want to lose this weight, all the while creating a life worth living.

From Dr Phil's book: "This will happen because you make it happen. It will happen because you have made the decision to step up and do what it takes to have what you want."

My verse for today: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

My quote for today: "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." --Ben Williams

Enjoy the Journey,


DAY 613


Anonymous said...

I so needed that Scrripture today. Life has taken a bad turn. The kind of bad turn that makes weight loss difficutles seem...well, never mind. You know. And I am all of those "do nots" and none of the "BEs"right now. Thanks. Deb

Anonymous said...

Hey Loretta! Here's my thought for the moment: Don't look past today. Just manage today. I'm on a journey myself...the weight loss goal number for me is unfathomable. So I worry about today. And whenever I'm tempted to screw up today--I ask myself "how will my choice today effect my tomorrow?" Today is hard enough!!! ;-) I'm hoping you have a great day! PS: Love the photos of Joey!!!

E. Jane said...

A priceless lesson in life today courtesy of a sweet little puppy. Thanks for sharing, Loretta. You are always thinking and sharing, and I appreciate it greatly.

Sharon said...

Hey Loretta,

Thanks so much for the neti-pot suggestion. It was a good one. Rinsing my sinuses out daily is something I've done since long before the commercial neti-pot was ever invented. And I swear by it!! I truly believe that is what has kept me from having to have surgery and I know for a fact that the number of sever sinus infections I get now is about 1% of what I used to get. So I'm grateful for that - it's just tough when I do get one and can't get rid of it!!

You've so been in my thoughts and prayers these last few weeks as you've dealt with the death of your dad. I'm glad to see that determination and stamina that I so admire!!

Cindy said...

Great post Loretta, that little puppy is just so darn cute. I wish you all the best. you are so gonna do well. I can feel it in my bones. hugs.

M Pax said...

I still don't have a gym membership. I don't eat anything fancy unless you think organics are fancy. Some people do. I follow no plan, but common sense. Eat good, healthy food in decent portions.

Lately, I find I'm more in control than ever. Less snacks and even when I buy licorice now, I can stick to a couple of pieces and be happy.

So, if you keep at it, your preferences and habits will start to change and of their own accord. Like in everything else, you have to find a way to love what you're doing for yourself. That's when it became easier for me.

M Pax said...

ps Joey is just so adorable.

Christine said...

living while losing is themost important thing I learned...something I WISH I had learned before I started losing. ugh. Good post...and no fair, bloggin with puppies. How are the rest of us to fight the cute.

'Yellow Rose' Jasmine said...

I had a gym membership and I went all the time and I never lost one darn bit of weight! It probably kept me from gaining a ton more, but anyway... Then right after I stopped wasting money at the gym I happened upon some great blogs and dug into what was really going on in my head. What do ya know, the weight didn't have a chance once I decided for real and really got it. Nope, no fancy excuses for me either.

PeacefulBird said...

Yep, this is familiar turf. For two days now, I've not had between meal stuff, crackers, chips, whatever. Two days, one day at a time. This is good... we're in this together... OK, Joey too... finding a way, making it happen!

135by2012 said...

Joey is soooo smart! LOL! Glad you are finding a way to make it happen.

Anonymous said...

Well said! I need to remember that myself. Your pets are adorable and the look on your kitties face is priceless hahahaha

debby said...

OMGosh, the pic of Joey with her bedful of 'treasures' cracked me up. Its like Noah only in miniature! And such a good post and a good thought. We don't need special stuff to get this done. In fact what we mostly 'need' is LESS--less food LOL.

I do so admire you for your perseverance. Its hard, but its better than the alternative, right?

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